Day 34~~I thought would be fun to take a shot at Ft. Woods here in Colorado City. For those who do not know, Colorado City, Texas was originally named Colorado (because the Colorado River runs through the town). At one time it was the biggest town in West Texas because and was known as the hub of West Texas because there are four main roads that disect the little town. Ranchers brought their livestock from all over to put them on the train here at the old Colorado Stock Yards. But besides it being known for the river, railroad and cattle, Colorado also had around 30 saloons in town.
This by no means is one of the saloons, but years ago, a business in Colorado City, built a little compex and called it Ft. Woods. The buildings are still there and I was able to get a shot of it and thought it would be fun to put the saloon name on it. Anyhow...enjoy and God Bless!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 33~~Grandpa and Jeremiah
Day 33~~I thought I would just do a quick snap shot of grandpa and youngest grandson Jeremiah!
Have a blessed day!
Have a blessed day!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Day 32~High Key Shot
Day 32 and I did a little juggling act. Shot inside with High Key and added the juggling balls. This was just fun, fun and more fun! Enjoy!
God Bless!
God Bless!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 31~~Katie
Day 31~~Photo shoot of Katie. I got to use my light meter and reflector. Taken in the shade but got a great reflection from the son to light up her hair and eyes!
Just a really beautiful day and young lady to photograph. I'll post some more shots in the next few days with different lighting techniques I used on her.
God Bless and have a great day!
Just a really beautiful day and young lady to photograph. I'll post some more shots in the next few days with different lighting techniques I used on her.
God Bless and have a great day!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 30~Chickens
Day 30 ~ Photo of my chickens or ex-chickens. They are now happily living in Snyder and keeping a nice family there in eggs. I'm a little late posting because I've all day at CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) Season's Refreshing. I love spending a day with people who love God and it was a blast! But i'm pooped.
Decided to pull out the photo of our chickens. I originally purchased chickens, peacocks, pheasants and other birds to photograph. I've taken lots of photos of my birds and everything I can find to shoot. Now I'm thinking about getting some longhorns out here and start photographing them as they start as calfs and mature to cows.
Have a blessed day!
Decided to pull out the photo of our chickens. I originally purchased chickens, peacocks, pheasants and other birds to photograph. I've taken lots of photos of my birds and everything I can find to shoot. Now I'm thinking about getting some longhorns out here and start photographing them as they start as calfs and mature to cows.
Have a blessed day!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 29~~RC Cola
Day 29~~RC Cola or Royal Crown sign. My mother loved RCs and drank them from the time I could remember until the day she when to the hospital before she died. She loved her Royal Crown Colas. I have this old sign at my house and the colors are not as intense. I did a little contrast, colors and layers to get more of an art look from it.
I pray that God blesses each of you today!
I pray that God blesses each of you today!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 27~Old Windmill
Day 27~Is a shot of an old windmill. They have all the new Wind farms around and they are facinating to see them in all their little rows as far as you can see, but my love is still with these old things. I took this shot and I got this beautiful green hue. I actually did nothing to the shot because I didnt want to take away from the natural rainbow that God created. Sometimes we can't see all the beautiful colors with our eyes, but I was forturnate enough to capture this greenish blue in the sky.
Have a blessed day!
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 26~~Original Port-a-potty
Day 26~~I thought it would be fun to do something different. I took a picture of this outhouse and then placed in a pretty green pasture. Reminds me of the modern day portapotty. Who would of thought years ago when they built these things that 60 years later, there would be more of them made of plastic. Progress!
God Bless each of you and I hope you have a great day!
God Bless each of you and I hope you have a great day!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Day 25~~Old Hyman Church
Day 25~~Old Hyman Church. It's still standing, but not sure how. This little church is just beautiful. It's way way out in nowhere land, but when the fires came through last year, I had to make a trip out there to see if it was ok and the fires never got close to it. Oh the stories and praising about God this church could tell. This is one of my favorite things to take pictures of in Mitchell County maybe because it's just beautiful, just stand there not bothering a soul and endures the forces of nature.
Thank you for looking at my blog and I pray that each of you is blessed by God today!
Thank you for looking at my blog and I pray that each of you is blessed by God today!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Day 24~~Old Farm House and Windmill
Day 24~~is an old farm house and windmill. It's a really kewl contrast in many ways. The old farm house is barely standing and has tin coming of the roof and boards falling off the building. While the windmill stands strong and a little weathered from the elements, but nevertheless still standing tall. Reminds me of the bible song I learned when I was young.
The foolish man builds his house upon the sand........and the wise man builds his house upon a rock...The wood passes away but the metal survives. Just as if we are wise, we will build our lives around God, but if we are foolish, we will build on things that will someday pass away.
Have a Blessed Day!
The foolish man builds his house upon the sand........and the wise man builds his house upon a rock...The wood passes away but the metal survives. Just as if we are wise, we will build our lives around God, but if we are foolish, we will build on things that will someday pass away.
Have a Blessed Day!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Day 23~Old License Plate
Day 23 is an old Farm License Plate....Taken in a very overcast day and then did a high pass sharpen to really make the colors come out. Looks like someone had spray painted it before they hung it on a pole
Day 22~Old Wood Windmill
Day 22 is a old wood windmill and if you know or don't know, these old wood windmills are few and far between. After many years of weather, they fall and then are replaced with the new metal ones.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Day 21~Majestic Longhorn
** Just an added note, if you see any of my photos you would like to buy, please email me at or view my webpages for my photos
Thank you for viewing and God Bless!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Day 20~Cedar Bend
Day 20~~Cold outside (45degrees...which is cold to me). My friend Adele and I went bridge hunting in Mitchell County. This was one of the first stops, it's Cedar Bend with an old bridge. Although it's still standing and strong enough to hold us, it is closed to vehicle access. We got more photos of bridges, but I've decided to use Colorado River bridge and Wildhorse Creek bridge in the next couple of days. All of which I might add or not available to traffic.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day 19~~Old Barn
Day 19 I found an old barn and started shooting pictures. The colors were so pretty and I love finding these old things around Mitchell County. I look at something like this and where a house stood a long time ago. My mind starts to wonder who might of lived there, when was the house and barn built and how it still withstands time and is still standing. All the trees around tells me that someone loved this place and planted trees a long time ago because big trees in West Texas are far and few between. If you look out across the land and you see a house, there are trees around the home. Reminds me of an Oasis. The land is pretty much flat everywhere with mesquites, cactus and some cedars, so when you see another kind of tree, you know someone planted it and nurtured it long ago.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 18~~Valentine's Day
Today is Day 18~~Valentine's Day. I took the photo to Casey and then did a little art work with layers and lots of fun things in in PSP. I hope anyone who looks at my blog today has a wonderful day!
God Bless You!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 17~~Ole Henry
Day 17~~Ole Henry! Got up early in order to get a shot of the snow...or rather ice... Ole Henry is at my front steps to greet visitors with a smile! I thought the sun would be up, but it's cold and wet outside. Took this little guy without a flash. I just adjusted my ISO, Fstop and shutterspeed.
Remember to join my group if you like my photos.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and ramblings. God Bless!
Remember to join my group if you like my photos.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and ramblings. God Bless!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Day 16~~~ A cute little calf
Day 16~ This little guy's photo was actually taken late yesterday. I wanted to wait and do snow and ice photos early in the morning. He was just so cute and fuzzy...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Day 15~~Our mare Josie
This is Day 15 out at Spade. This is our mare Josie and she loves to run, especially when we are bringing feed. Outside and very cold cold overcast day.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 14~~Casey and Jeremiah
Day 14~~Casey and Jeremiah! Inside with external flash. Today took me awhile to get my lighting where she was not washed out. ....but yeah!! Thank God, I did it! Looking at my photos and working so hard to get a shot everyday, it makes me realize how much I do love photography and hopefully improving every day.
I've always loved taking photos but i've always worried in the back of my I good enough? what will others think? does anyone even care? am I spending too much time doing this? is this what God wants me to do with my life? But after the photography retreat and reading Lara Blair's Blog and a lot of soul searching, I am really trying not to look sideways so much and just allow God to lead me in whatever I'm supposed to do. Which I can tell you is a lot easier said than done.
I've always loved taking photos but i've always worried in the back of my I good enough? what will others think? does anyone even care? am I spending too much time doing this? is this what God wants me to do with my life? But after the photography retreat and reading Lara Blair's Blog and a lot of soul searching, I am really trying not to look sideways so much and just allow God to lead me in whatever I'm supposed to do. Which I can tell you is a lot easier said than done.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 13~~Save the Windows!
Day 13~~Stain glass window at FBC in Colorado City. Taken on the inside of the church without lights!!!! yeah! Cloudy overcast day outside and church was dark without lights, but the brightness of outside still lit up these beautiful windows.
The windows are in dire need of work in order to keep them and presently the church has a group working to "SAVE THE WINDOWS" in grants, fundraisers and whatever we can to raise the money to save these beautiful historic windows. If you have any ideas on grants or where we could donations...please please let me know!
The windows are in dire need of work in order to keep them and presently the church has a group working to "SAVE THE WINDOWS" in grants, fundraisers and whatever we can to raise the money to save these beautiful historic windows. If you have any ideas on grants or where we could donations...please please let me know!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 11 of 365
This is Day 11 and it's a self portrait taken inside with external flash lighting. Fstop was 2.5. As much as I wanted to "fix" it and take the wrinkles out, I decided that since I am practing on my settings and lightings that I should keep real. Looking forward to finding more people and things to take shots of. DeColores !
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 10
Day 10 .... Our two year old cold and he's still got his winter coat. Pretty high spirited animal with lots of personality. I took this about an hour before the sun went down and it really made his coat black.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 9
Day 9 is Cutter bug. Bright outside and needed my reflector to get rid of the under chin shadow. Otherwise, it's a cool photo.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 8 ... silk flowers
Day 8 Silk flower from Hobby Lobby. Taken inside without a flash. Loving the day to day photographing and learning fstop, iso and metering. Thank you Lara Blair because the more I take photos, the more I can see the differnce in using auto and setting your settings.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 7 Jeremiah

Day 7 and my sweet Jeremiah! Inside, yellow walls and no flash....It was fun. I am waiting for my reflectors and lightmeter but until then....get close, meter and snap. It's only been a week but i'm really enjoying this posting daily. Ask me again in a few Or maybe in 350 days!
God Bless Everyone who reads my Blog and thank you for viewing it!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 6 ~~~ Glass apples on a shelf
Day 6...A trip to Hobby Lobby and loved the shiny red apples. Added a frame to set off the red glass. Shot inside without a flash and very little photo corrections.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Day 5 ~~~ Jeremiah!
Day5 my youngest grandson Jeremiah. He is two months old and always smiling. Taken inside without a flash after metering.
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